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Enslaved African Rebellions, Resistance, and Revolts: Home


Primary Sources of Interest

People and Events You Should Know

This is by no means an exhaustive list.  What act of rebellion, resistance, or revolt can you discover?

The Amistad / Joseph Cinque

Henry "Box" Brown

John Brown / The Harper's Ferry Raid

Levi Coffin

Charles Deslondes / German Coast Uprising, 1811

Creole Revolt

Margaret Garner

Harriet Jacobs

Maroon Communities (Jamaica, Haiti, United States)

The New York City Conspiracy of 1741

Solomon Northrup

Gabriel Prosser / Gabriel’s Conspiracy, 1800

William Still

Stono Rebellion, 1739

Harriet Tubman

Nathaniel Turner / Nat Turner’s Rebellion, 1831

The Underground Railroad

Denmark Vesey

David Walker's Appeal


Potential Search Terms

Some potential search terms include:

Anti-Slavery Movements

Abolition Movement

Fugitive Slave

Slave Insurrection - U.S.

Underground Railway